Sunday, October 5, 2014

Issue #8

The SkyBlock Post
Week of 10-5-14

General -
This week on MooseValley's SkyBlock has been very full-filled, as new faces come on and stay on for a long period of time.

Breaking News! -
  • There are two new CTF maps called SkyFall And PlayerMaps. SkyFall was built by [Mod]Heenim and [Staff]Ncnault. PlayerMaps was built by [Alpha]Hades1896, [Citizen]Spaded_Aces, and [Citizen]xX_MIRISHI_Xx.

~SkyFall Pictures~

Pictured - Purple teams flag

Pictured - Top of the arena

Pictured - Purple team player

Pictured - [Staff]Ncnault shooting a bow at the enemy team, next to the monument 

Pictured - The Life Pool

Pictured - Below the Life Pool

Pictured - The Death Pool (Bottom of the arena)

~PlayerMaps Pictures~
Pictured - Blue teams spawn

Pictured - Nether Pyramid 

Pictured - Main map pyramid 

Pictured - Monument 

Reminders -
[Mod]AlecMan7 "Life's too shot, so make the most of it!"
[Mod]HAZZADUDE "Have fun, Play long."
[Staff]Ncnault "I've nothing profound or witty to say this week."
[Editor-In-Chief]Mine_R2 "Be sure to thank [Staff]Ncnault for doing such a fantastic job on the CTF server!"

If you're in a pickle and need help, type in "/request (Your problem or question)" to get help from a moderator. If none are on, just ask another player. 

- Acknowledgements -
Build of the Week -
This weeks Build of the Week is a build, you could say, but mostly a expansion. This person is starred as the build of the week because of their hard work, and dedication to getting a job well done, even if it is very tricky. [LifeTime]LAMBAPPOCALYPSE has been working very hard on this expansion for the past few days.
Pictured - [LifeTime]LAMBAPPOCALYPSE

Pictured - Right side of expansion

Pictured - Left side of expansion

New Mods/Staff - .
There are no new Jr-Mods/Mods/Staff this week! :(

Mod/Staff Promotions -
There has been no new Jr-Mods/Mods/Staff promotions this week! :(

Weekly Animal Farmer - 
This weeks Animal Farmer is someone who has been pictured before in the post, the one, the only, [Citizen]Maciiiii! She built a very uniform farm, that houses Chickens, Pigs, Sheep, and Cows.
Pictured - Outside of animal farm

Pictured - Chicken pen

Pictured - Pig pen

Pictured - Sheep & Cow pen

Pictured - [Citizen]Maciiiii

Weekly Farmer - 
This weeks Weekly Farmer is someone who has been on SkyBlock for a long time. [Citizen]Spatanninja225 has made a amazing, artistic, and ginormous farm. It includes Wheat, Melons, Sugar Cane, and Trees.
Pictured - Melon and Wheat farm

Pictured - Sugar Cane farm

Pictured - Tree farm

Weekly SkyBlock Picture -
*Click Image to enlarge*
Pictured - Top of the SkyBlock Parkour

SkyBlocker -
This weeks SkyBlocker, a citizen who is selected because of their amazing talents and hard work, is someone who is always friendly. Diamond_Lord10 Is this weeks SkyBlocker! He is very hard working; he enjoys building. Anytime he's online, feel free to talk with him! He is working on building a tower that has redstone going through it, he is still working on laying the foundation.
Pictured - Diamond_Lord10

 "And as always, Until next time." -Mine_R2

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